Flann O’Brien (pseudonym of Brian O’Nolan) was an Irish writer born in 1911. His first novel, At-Swim-Two-Birds, 1939, was praised highly by Samuel Beckett and James Joyce. His second attempt however, from 1940, The Third Policeman, was denied publication, and subsequently had to wait until posthumous publication in 1967. Within this hilariously satirical murder thriller, and wildly surrealistic novel, is a brief complex story, woven by one Sergeant Pluck, concerning the flagrant overuse of the iron bicycle, its impact with profound regards to the Laws of Atomic Theory, and its bizarre ensuing molecular consequences. O’Brien wrote to a friend, stating that he would like to make a crazy play out of the manuscript, and I have bravely attempted to fulfill a small segment of that wish, with a not at all faithful interpretive rendition of the policeman’s postulations.

                                                              (12 minute video)

                                                          - You can also view video at YouTube #4 -

YouTube (under pressure from Irish rock music video director, Meiert Avis) have removed this site, claiming copyright infringement. I have failed since to convince him that the very nature of the Arts is commentary, as this is how culture is ultimately disseminated, and that recontextuallizing a few lines from a couple pages out of a cited novel is hardly plagiarism. The irony here is that Flann O’Brien’s first novel, At-Swim-Two-Birds, is almost entirely comprised of characters who the author filched from a wide range of literary works, utilizing a rather post-modern treatment, 40 years ahead of his time!


Atomic Theory vis à vis The Bicycle